Saturday, 9 June 2007

Potential Takeovers

So still no word on a prospective takeover and so I've recently become addicted to following the Saints Forum, where the PA takeover thread provides great entertainment, frustration, hope, disallusionment etc etc. At the time of writing the thread had 95,964 views with over 2000 posts. There has been lots of speculation, with a few people claiming inside knowledge (some more credibly than others!). The general consensus is that Paul Allen is in the process of a takeover attempt, but this might also be dependent on him acquire much of the surround land to create a new development. This is what may be slowing up the proposed move. If this is true and is eventually completed, this is hugely exciting prospect, not just for the Saints, but for the city as a whole. A benefactor like Allen, redeveloping some of the old industrial area would surely breath life back into a large part of the city.

Over at the Forum, the stock market is watch constantly, and attempts are normally underway to locate/track Mr Allens three super-yachts. The fact that the share price has been at a constant high of about 62p for a week or so is very promising. I have personally tried to contact Mr Allen's people through his press office, but have had no response. I guess if it was a complete load of rubbish they would have said that and be done with it.

So, hopes are high that a takeover will happen, although the timing is anybodies guess, could be monday, could be september (or later). A waiting game is required here, the patience of a Saint!!!

In other news, Chris Baird handed in a transfer request after clear interest from Fulham. Saints rejected an initial bid of about £2.5m, and since Baird requested to be transfer listed. You may ask why, if a takeover is imminent? But it may be the case that he knows no more than us, and he wants the chance to play top-flight football next year, while at the peak of his career. He would also be joining his former international boss Lawrie Sanchez, who is clearly a huge fan of Baird. I personally can't really blame him for requesting a move and wish him all the best for the future. But I still can't help feeling a little disappointed by his decision. He had a great season last year, and Saints really made progress. I might have hoped he could have repayed the fans (who voted him player of the year) with one more season. Never mind! Unless the board are trying to delay selling him a bit longer, hoping that a takeover will happen and we can persuade him to stay.

So keep the faith all, keep your fingers/toes/arms/legs/EVERYTHING crossed, that we get some good news soon and the club can really start to build for the future.

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